Sunday, December 18, 2011

I never knew I was twisted...

Apparently, I'm a sadist! I bought a bouncy ball for Tessa for her birthday and... being a crazy night... totally forgot to give it to her. So here I was at home and I bounce it for TC. I think she really liked it... until it started bouncing back at her. Of course, she's still poking at it as I write this, but I found such humor in watching her run. Like i said... Sadist!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Where's Your Line?

Recently, I've had to evaluate my lines... You know, those lines that I won't cross or when other people cross them, it's really bad. I get really upset, whiny and sometimes shrill. I have them... Everyone has them... But why have I had to think about this? Well, let me tell you a story...

My best friend recently started a business with her boyfriend. This was not only to fulfill his career dream, but also to have something important to do together. It was supposed to be a bonding experience. But soon, it got out of control. He contracted to take on an apprentice, arranged for a front office worker that wasn't needed yet, and started running the business before the business license was completely in place OR they were taking in any money. It was really stressing my friend out but she anticipated it getting better once the start-up period was over.

Unfortunately, it's been a month and it hasn't gotten better. He spends all of his time at the shop, leaving his daughter with my friend and her 12 year old all day, every day. Not only that but he, his daughter, the apprentice, and the apprentice's boyfriend are living in her house! Add to that the demands and disrespect her employees are showing her as well as being children and whining to the boyfriend about how she's not nice enough to them. It's wearing thin and I think she may have a psychotic break soon if she can't do something about it. Then add to that the boyfriend's insistance that her issues would be better if she would come to the shop and hang out so she could know everyone and they could know her. He doesn't acknowledge that would be her fourth job... regular job, mother/housekeeper, owner of the business and "friend" to the employees.

I think she would have continued on, swallowing much of her irritation and trying to make the best of it until he decided to "take a break" from their relationship. That's where her line was. She'd do anything for someone she loves and who she believes is committed to her. But now it seems as if she was conned into giving him everything he wanted and then kicked to the curb. To be honest, my line would have been when he started conducting business without the legal releases, but we're different people. However, I do get to hear about it a lot and provide a sounding board for her. But I'm getting really angry... At them for doing this to her... and to her for letting them and burying her head in the sand hoping it will miraculously go away. She is stuck in her lease for a year, so she has to do something... But tonight I spent a couple of hours down there, comforting her and her child, and I don't think anything's going to change. My line is drawing near... I'm a ticking time bomb and she isn't going to like it when I blow.

Now, let's be honest. This is an extreme example, but I have to determine where my line in the sand is... At work... At home... And with all of my relationships. Sometimes I allow myself to get my feelings hurt and it's hard to get past it. But then I have to think... Where's that line I've drawn? Is this the last stand that I'm willing to take? The point where I can take no more? Am I willing to potentially ruin this relationship (which it usually is) over this?

We all have lines to draw. If we understand that, we'll also know that my line isn't your line. But the question you have to ask yourself is "Is it worth it?" You may be totally right in your feelings... but is it worth the damage you would likely do if you hold fast and in return hurt someone else's feelings? Ultimately, what do you want out of life and your relationships? Do you want a happy and close-knit family? Do you want friends that you can rely on? Do you want a calm and peaceful home life? Make your line in the sand... but remember, you can always erase it. That's why it's in sand.

I love you all. It's been a tough year and I don't see it easing off soon, but I know we can make it if we'll stand together. That's when we're strongest.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Excitement abounds...

Well, I've finished a summary of a novel that eclipses the excitement I've felt for all other novels. I think this may be the one that I can finish in an appropriate amount of time and that I have no worries about trying to sell it. It's going to be AWESOME!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Sometimes being oblivious isn't a good thing...

OK, for all of you that just got my text, I was unaware of how pervy it sounded. It reminds me of an episode of "How I Met Your Mother" where Ted sends out "texty-text" over the waves and can't get it back.

To explain... Remember how there are those freezer trucks that go around neighborhoods and try to sell pre-packaged frozen beef, pork, seafood and/or chicken? Well, one of those guys wound up on my doorstop. At first, I thought it might not be a horrible idea, but for one box of beef cuts (and aren't you glad that I don't keep saying "meat"), it was over $300.00 AND you had to be able to store it. Now for one person, my freezer is perfectly adequate. Add to it a box of beef and/or chicken that is supposedly guaranteed for five years and I'd have no room whatsoever. His big sales pitch was that it was better pricing than Costco, which I believed, but for the chicken, all but one box came pre-marinated. Yeah, no.

What drove me the most crazy about this guy was that he kept saying he was no pressure, but he kept pushing payment options, half price for one box, lower price for have of one box... I could have screamed. And ya'll know how good I am at turning someone down. I felt bad, but I finally sent him on his way. Considering that he'd pulled out two boxes of beef and chicken, he was a little mad, but after awhile, I didn't feel bad for him. If you say no pressure, it should darn well be no pressure!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


For those of you that haven't heard, I finally got my promotion to a WCA 3. It's to start June 1st and I'll be moving to a new unit. Unit B is sort of my claims family, so it's a little bittersweet, but I'm really excited. Now I just have to pack up my desk and that's gonna suck!

Friday, March 4, 2011

A long day in Seattle...

So, Jeny and I woke up fairly early (7:10) and decided that now was the time to go swimming. I discovered that Jeny is one of the nausiating early morning people and I discovered that I am not. So while Jeny was bouncing off the friggin' walls, I was just trying to keep up.

After swimming, Jeny made a hair appointment at Gene Juarez and then we went and got some breakfast. The restaurant at the hotel isn't bad but the waitress was kinda' off putting. But we were having fun, so all is well. Jeny also discovered that grilled jalepeno peppers aren't as spicy as she would have liked. Poor thing!

When we left breakfast, we ran to Macy's to see if we could find me some better convention shoes. Discovered they were doing one of their one day sales, so it was good for me. I got some of those Fit Shoes (show you when I get home) and some other tennis shoes that were on clearance. Yea, me! Jeny also decided I was cold so I picked up a scarf and some cashmere knit gloves.

On our way out of Macy's to Jeny's hair appointment, I saw this awesome bag, but we couldn't stop or Jeny would be late. So off we went up a 3-4 blocks to get to the salon. It was great. They whisked Jeny away to the back and I got to continue loving my new Kindle in this lovely waiting area. It was relaxing and blissful. Jeny got her hair very nicely styled for her date and looked like a million bucks. I changed into my new shoes and off we went again. (Jeny wouldn't let me take my shoes back to the hotel, so I made her lug them...)
It was then back to Macy's... we lovingly termed it the "mothership". As we walked in the door, a lady was looking for people to give facial waxes to. Considering that I'd been meaning to do that for like ever, I said sure! After all, it would fulfill our plans for a "spa day" and I would get those unsightly chin hairs removed. So we did that... and my lip... and my eyebrows. It was really reasonably priced and I liked my lady. Then there was complementary make-up freshinging... which was how they get more people to buy their products... AND IT WORKED!!! Jeny got a pore minimizer that she loved and a purple mascara that was really cool. I got a lip stain that really rocks out my lips. Yes... I'm a sucker! At least they didn't make me feel bad about myself to make me buy stuff like they did to Jaenene Garofolo on "The Truth About Cats and Dogs"...

I found the bag again and discovered that I really did like as much as I did at first glance. So we had to find it (back in the back in a weird little corner... everywhere else had $200 bags from people like Michael Koors for crying out loud!) and I snagged it. Then they were having their winter clearance so we looked through the store. We had to split up because the plus sized section was on the 3rd floor. I was pleasantly surprised. The downtown Seattle Macy's has a plus sized section that takes up half of the third floor. It was awesome! I found a couple of great shirts! The register lady did a pretty good job but didn't listen to our suggestion to put my new purchases in with my shoes. No. I got the biggest bag in their arsenal. So then while I was waiting for Jeny to find some new socks, I put the smaller bag inside the bigger bag... and had a lot of room to spare. Of course it was raining by the time we were about to leave and, because we didn't want Jeny's hair to go flat, we picked up some mini-umbrellas. Mine's lime green!

We ran back to the hotel to drop off our bags and rest for a moment. By this time, I'm starting to get tired and more than a little hungry. THANK GOODNESS that Mom insisted I take snacks. Her Doritos were a LIFESAVER!!! But then Jeny wanted to go to H&M. It was really crowded... and she didn't find anything she liked. I found two headbands. Then we went to Ross (which sucked) and Walgreens (which we walked right out of because the line was HUGE! Then to Ann Taylor's Loft and back to the hotel.

I also need to say at this point that I hadn't eaten anything since probably 10am except half a dozen Doritos and it was now after 4pm. Holy moly! But Jeny has a date that likely included dinner, so I said I was fine and would grab something later. I didn't want to make her later for her date or too full either. I want to be a good friend... We came back to the room and sat down, exhausted. Of course, that's where her date texts her saying he's in the lounge... 45 minutes early for their date. 45 minutes?!? Really??? They both offered to let me come with, but my dogs were really barking and come on... ballroom dancing with a third wheel? Yeah, sounds like great fun for me... So I declined and decided to write in my blog. Now I just need to decide what I want to eat... I'm sure I'll figure it out soon. :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 1 of My Mini break with Jeny - ComiCon style!

Well, we're here safe and sound in Seattle. Used the valet to park our car (get a discount because we're part of the ComicCon crowd) and checked in slick as snot. Then we went to the Cheesecake Factory because Jeny was jonsing for some eggplant sandwich. I mentally flirted with the guys in the booth behind Jeny. (Jeny said they had to be checking my out, but let's be serious...) When we got back, everything was fine. We got dressed to work out (only because Jeny insisted) and left the room with our iPods and my room key.

That's when the weirdage started... Couldn't get into the fitness room. When Jeny called the front desk, they said my card had been demagnetized. how??? Is it allergic to my iPod? We went in and worked out for a bit... I'm severely out of shape and Jeny discovered better equipment does make a difference. Then we came back to the room... I tried to do the rub on the shirt thing because that's what they say to do at stores and nothing.

Jeny went downstairs to get a new key but they wouldn't give it to her because we didn't have picture ID. So the security guy comes up and, although they'd told Jeny he'd come with a new key, he just let us in, looked at my license and said I could get a new key the next time I was downstairs. Really? And what the heck is up with the key not working in the 2 minutes it took us to go from the 8th floor to the 35th??? (Yes, Jeny made it safely even though her claustrophobia was a bit of an issue for a moment.)

Then I go to plug in my computer and pull out the desk chair and it's disgusting. I don't want to think about what these stains could possibly be. Pictures will be coming.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Self realization epiphanies suck!

Now, I'm all for being aware of who you are and utilizing that information to either be more happy with who you are or grow, but sometimes those ephiphanies just suck! Why is that?

Saturday, January 29, 2011


I knew this was coming... but I'm not happy. The 1st Ward's Primary presidency has decided to "follow the manual" and have everyone in class first, then 15 minutes of sharing time, 20 minutes of singing time and then closing exercises. I asked her if they considered how difficult it is to teach children with a gap in ages of 9 years, but they want to "follow the manual".

Well, guess what, ladies. I just looked up the manual and there were 3 options. One with the way they've decided on, one with the singing/sharing time at the beginning, and then one that was THE WAY WE'VE ALWAYS DONE IT!!!! I know that they did it this way because 2nd Ward's presidency was talking about that's the way it is in the manual, but they've made my job impossible!!! And then I hear Sidse and Mom talking about how the little kids don't even sing any more. Oh, and don't forget how the younger kids whine when they don't have their "turn" on any given Sunday. Now I have twice as many kids to pick from and the whining will get even greater.

I'll do what they've asked me to do, but I think it's STUPID!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

If you're interested...

I decided that for ease of sharing, I would make a private blog with what I've written. If you want, just let me know and I'll make a specific invite. Just be aware that most of my stuff seems to be fairly romantic. But whatever...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sugarland - Stuck Like Glue

I really like this video. I watch it all the time right now.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Christmas progress

You know, this is what I get for promising a crafty Christmas present and then getting lazy... But it's getting there!
Picture courtesy of Jeny using my phone. Too bad it's a little fuzzy, but it's already almost 2 times my height... and I'm only a little over halfway done. Brian's going to love it!