Saturday, January 29, 2011


I knew this was coming... but I'm not happy. The 1st Ward's Primary presidency has decided to "follow the manual" and have everyone in class first, then 15 minutes of sharing time, 20 minutes of singing time and then closing exercises. I asked her if they considered how difficult it is to teach children with a gap in ages of 9 years, but they want to "follow the manual".

Well, guess what, ladies. I just looked up the manual and there were 3 options. One with the way they've decided on, one with the singing/sharing time at the beginning, and then one that was THE WAY WE'VE ALWAYS DONE IT!!!! I know that they did it this way because 2nd Ward's presidency was talking about that's the way it is in the manual, but they've made my job impossible!!! And then I hear Sidse and Mom talking about how the little kids don't even sing any more. Oh, and don't forget how the younger kids whine when they don't have their "turn" on any given Sunday. Now I have twice as many kids to pick from and the whining will get even greater.

I'll do what they've asked me to do, but I think it's STUPID!!!

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