Sunday, June 29, 2008

Why the Heck is it so HOT here???

I live in Washington State. For anyone that knows something about meteorology, you know that Washington is a temperate, yet rainy, type of place. And it has been all year. I actually heard some time in late May that we'd only had 22 sunny days the entire year so far.

But then the "heat wave" hit us. I've been so absolutely miserable outside. I don't know what my problem is! After all, I did spend two years in Las Vegas! But it's been like 8 years since then and I'm back to being a true Washingtonian. So when the heat started hitting like 85 degrees at 10 in the morning, I started wilting faster than an ice cube in the oven.

What is wrong with me??? If you ask anyone else in the continental US, you'd be told that this is NOTHING! So now I'm just blessing every second that Mom and Dad installed a heat pump this year. I could just cry. I'm such a friggin' wuse!

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