Thursday, March 19, 2009

Captain Dynamic

I'm not sure if all of you know this... but I love a little company called Rooster Teeth. They're based in Texas and they make my favorite web series of all time... Even beating out "Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog" by Joss Whedon! They've used Halo and make a sitcom... but, be warned... They are not shy about using bad language in their machinama series (meaning made using video games).

But they just started a new series called "Captain Dynamic." It surrounds a "hero" who plays in the video game "City of Heroes" who asks some writers/programmers to set up some custom missions for him. (That's a new thing that City of Heroes is doing.) Now, I won't say any more because I don't want to ruin it for you... but you should TOTALLY WATCH IT!!! Especially since, so far, they've been really good about the swearing!

The best part is that, since they're also posting it on You Tube, I can embed it here... :)

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

OK, and as another FYI... I've drafted a bunch of blogs, but I don't seem to be able to do them every day... so I'm going to do them all today. :)

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