Friday, June 24, 2011

Sometimes being oblivious isn't a good thing...

OK, for all of you that just got my text, I was unaware of how pervy it sounded. It reminds me of an episode of "How I Met Your Mother" where Ted sends out "texty-text" over the waves and can't get it back.

To explain... Remember how there are those freezer trucks that go around neighborhoods and try to sell pre-packaged frozen beef, pork, seafood and/or chicken? Well, one of those guys wound up on my doorstop. At first, I thought it might not be a horrible idea, but for one box of beef cuts (and aren't you glad that I don't keep saying "meat"), it was over $300.00 AND you had to be able to store it. Now for one person, my freezer is perfectly adequate. Add to it a box of beef and/or chicken that is supposedly guaranteed for five years and I'd have no room whatsoever. His big sales pitch was that it was better pricing than Costco, which I believed, but for the chicken, all but one box came pre-marinated. Yeah, no.

What drove me the most crazy about this guy was that he kept saying he was no pressure, but he kept pushing payment options, half price for one box, lower price for have of one box... I could have screamed. And ya'll know how good I am at turning someone down. I felt bad, but I finally sent him on his way. Considering that he'd pulled out two boxes of beef and chicken, he was a little mad, but after awhile, I didn't feel bad for him. If you say no pressure, it should darn well be no pressure!!!